Example Configuration

Below is an example copy of a configuration file that can be used by the IMBIE processor.:

input_path "~/imbie/submissions-data/imbie_v2.02_data_20171011_GM"
output_path "output/20200227/"
plot_format "eps"
export_data True
use_dm True
dmdt_window 3
dmdt_method "weighted_least_squares"
truncate_dmdt True
truncate_avg False
apply_dmdt_smoothing False
reduce_window 1
users_skip "mtalpe" "xpwujpl" "roelof" "IMBIE1" "jmouginot" "rignot2" "ahlstrom"
combine_method "inv"
group_avg_error_method "rms"
sheet_avg_error_method "max"
sum_errors_method "rss"
table_format "html"
bar_plot_min_time 2005
bar_plot_max_time 2015
plot_smooth_window 1.083333
plot_smooth_iters 2
imbie1_compare False